
St. John Bosco Clinic is committed to the safety and health of our patients and community. As a precaution and in an effort to control the continued spread of the coronavirus, we will only be doing telephonic registrations of new patients or renewal of existing patients.

Please call the clinic at 305-635-1335 to schedule an appointment for a telephone interview. We appreciate your understanding. Thank you.


La Clínica San Juan Bosco está comprometida a la salud y bienestar de nuestros pacientes y la comunidad. Como precaución y esfuerzo para controlar el virus corona, estaremos haciendo unicamente registros telefonicos de pacientes nuevos o renovaciones de pacientes actuales.

Por favor comuniquese con la clinica al 305-635-1335 para pedir una cita de entrevista telefonica. Le agradecemos su comprensión. Gracias.



For over 30 years, with the support of our volunteer physician and support staff, the St. John Bosco Clinic has been meeting the medical needs of those who come to our doors. We are solely funded through the generosity of our community partners, and philanthropic individuals, corporations and foundations that recognize the great need in our community and the true difference their support can make.

Those we help have different life stories, faces and nationalities. They are the young, old, working poor and the unemployed, but they share one very similar need; the need for healthcare and difficulty meeting that need for themselves and their families.

The St. John Bosco Clinic is a safety-net for these families.




To serve the basic primary medical needs of the uninsured and underserved children and adults in Miami-Dade County, without regard to the person's race, age, gender, ethnicity or religious affiliation, in the manner of Jesus, who healed.




To be an enduring presence providing care as long as there are underserved children and adults without access to healthcare.


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